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Nashville, TN, United States

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Jack & His Changing Table

I don't know what it is but there is something about Jack's changing table that he loves. Once we put him down he starts smiling and cooing away and being just generally adorable. Here are some pics of him on it (even though we never could get a picture of him smiling!) and a cute one of him & Jim in the kitchen.


Cole said...

Hey Erin!
I stumbled across your blog from Courtney's! I loved looking at all your pictures, they're adorable..
Hope you guys are doing well! He's such a cutie and I can't believe how big he's getting, he's changed a lot, it seems! Isn't it awesome?

Anonymous said...

ok, the pictures are cute, but i WANT MORE!! :) yea, i get to see you next week!!!!!!