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Nashville, TN, United States

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Christmas Eve & Christmas day

We had such a wonderful Christmas with Jack. The only not-fun part was that he was having a growth-spurt so he was feeding every 2 hours all day AND all night so we didn't get much sleep on Christmas Eve. But we still had so much fun and here are some cute pictures. Notice Jack in the picture with his Granddaddy and he has on the Santa suit his Aunt Amy bought him. We just laughed and laughed at him in that outfit! I love the picture of Jim holding Jack swaddled & asleep and Maggie talking to him. She was probably using her version of the baby-voice she's heard Court talk to Jack in. It is so funny because instead of talking in a higher-pitched baby voice, she gets this really low, exaggerated voice that sounds like Shaft or Barry White. I love it!


Christy Z said...

I love seeing all of your pictures on here! It's great seeing your mom and dad and Jack looks so cute in his santa suit!
I don't know what I'm doing for our birthday. It's kind of sad that we're turning 30! But we are going to Hawaii in June for our 10 years so maybe that will have to do!!!
I'll try to get up to Nashville sometime this summer. I would love to see you. It's harder to take vacations when you have kids in school :(

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! Thanks for posting these adorable family pictures Erin. Jack is so precious and growing so fast :)Love Anne Laura