This was taken on Saturday before we left to meet up with Chris & Kajsa. Doesn't he look like such a big boy in those clothes? I just love the little sweater vest and collared shirt. And, as always, he's making his signature expression that is reserved solely for the camera!
Speaking of being a big boy, now that Jack is officially four months old, we started trying a new sleep technique last night. Jack has been sleeping terribly (up every hour some nights!). I have read book after book on the subject and had initially planned to do the No-Cry Sleep Solution (by Elizabeth Pantley), but after much research (and many frustrating nights) we decided to go with a kinder, gentler version of crying-it-out, per the (much misunderstood) Ferber method. is SO HARD! I have been up since 1am last night with him through this learning process, and Jim didn't get to bed until 3am and had to be up at 7am for a meeting. So we each got about 3 1/2 to 4 hours of sleep last night. We are so tired and there is nothing harder than watching/hearing your sweet baby cry, but I guess there is just no other way to help him learn to fall asleep on his own. I have been crying on and off since BEFORE we put him to bed because I knew how awful it would be! He's finally asleep for his morning nap right now but is moving around like crazy because we also quit swaddling him and he's not used to that yet, either. Please pray for us because not only are we exhausted but we are completely worn out emotionally, too! Thank goodness I have such a wonderful man by my side because I could not have made it through this without him. I hope to report back soon with happy tales of sleeping through the night....
We prayed for you guys last night . and will continue to.
You're doing the right things for ALL 3 of you .. Keep it up and one day soon, the ole boy will follow Mom and Dad's directed routine.... It's part of growing up and by those pictures, he continues to grow beautifully ... He is such a little (and very special) boy!
Love that kid! :)))(and his tired parents)
Poppy (Benton)
We did that ferber thing, too and it took a while and Cole FINALLY got the hang of it...he was such a bad sleeper until he was almost 12 months. Encouragement: he now sleeps 12-14 hours a night! Good luck and YES, it's hard!
We have let all three of our kids cry it out. You are doing the right thing! A crying baby doesn't make you a bad mom, so just remember that. Baby's cry.. all of them. One of the best things I did to get my kids to know that it was bedtime was do the same thing at every nap and every bedtime.(even if they started to fall asleep when we were out) My thing was to sing them the same little song, cover them with the same blanket in the same way, and rub their heads the same way. That way, they knew what to expect when they heard the song and all- that I was fixin to leave and not come back. And they'd better go to sleep or their gonna be waiting a long, long time. Hey, it worked!
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